Magic Vials (Windows)

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Magic Vials can be found in many places but are especially popular in the West, where they are used for cleansing and rejuvenating both the body and soul. They are also known as "Kegel Vials"Ginseng Vials". The most commonly used magic vial is the Kegel Vial which was developed in Germany by Dr. Reinhold Kegel. He wanted to give women relief from pelvic pain, so he decided to develop a bottle that would help release stress by strengthening the pelvic muscles.

The Kegel Vial contains herbs such as yarrow, sarsaparilla, fennel and clove, all of which are said to help the bladder to relax and therefore release urine. There are different variations to the Kegel Vial, some of them using herbs that help women release urine more forcefully and others that use herbs that help women relax after the actual act of releasing urine. Most vials are supposed to be worn for a certain amount of time, usually between fifteen minutes to three hours. The most popular Kegel Vial among women is the Kegel Ball which is one of the more popular products on the market. It is a small and clear acrylic plastic ball, about three inches in diameter that is worn in the vagina for the same length of time, thus relieving tension in the pelvic area. Some women have reported great results with their Kegel Ball.

Another Kegel Vial is the Kegel Ring, which has been developed to help women maintain their urinary flow even after the Kegel has been released. It is a ring that is worn around the wrist and ankle to keep pressure off the bladder, although this is not strictly required for any women who wear a Kegel. This type of Kegel Vial also has some very positive reviews, and is also very popular amongst women who have had a failed Kegel.

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